Council Policies

As a Town Council we obtain, create and manage a large amount of information relating to our services, customers and partners which require the Council to consider, adopt and follow set policies.

We are committed to both the concepts of transparency and open government but recognise the importance of protecting the privacy of our customers and employees. We intend to achieve this by ensuring that we have clear and understandable rules about the information we collect, hold and share.

Our aim is to ensure that we have the right information to allow us to improve and continue to improve customer service and by managing that information effectively and efficiently, to provide the best value services for customers.

Chard Town Council is currently reviewing all policies, which follow below.

Annual Reports
Bullying & Harassment
Civility and Respect
Civility and Respect
Communications & Public Relations Policy
Complaints Policy
Councillor Email, Internet & Device Acceptable Policy
Dignity at Work
Financial Regulations
Guidance on Busking in Chard
Investment Strategy
Mayor’s Allowance Policy
Out of hours Call Out Policy
Publication Scheme

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires the Council to have a Publication Scheme explaining how certain types of council information is made available.

Scheme of Delegation
Standing Orders
Unauthorised Encampment Policy
Data Protection Policy
Privacy Notice
Protocol for Member/Officer Relations
Shaping our future