
The Mayor is elected each year at the Annual Town Council meeting which is held in May. The Mayor has two roles, as Chairman of the Town Council and Civic Ambassador for the town. It is a role steeped in tradition and ceremony.

There are many engagements undertaken by the Mayor in which he/she acts as a link between the various groups and organisations and the town. The Mayor can share the views and concerns of the community with the Council. The Mayor can also take the Council’s message out into the community and work towards achieving the Council’s commitment to encouraging and fostering positive working relationships between the council and other organisations and individuals working and living in the community.

Cllr Victoria Bates was elected Mayor by council on Monday 20th May 2024. Victoria will be supporting the two charities listed below and will be working with staff to make the transition as smooth as possible, following the outgoing Mayor, Cllr Garry Shortland. Victoria will be having an official Mayor Making Ceremony in July.

As well as acting as Chairman of the Town Council, Victoria will be undertaking a wide variety of civic duties and responsibilities on behalf of the Town Council and the people of Chard. Victoria will be supported by Deputy Mayor, Cllr Andy Kenton, who was also elected by council on 20th May 2024, and her Mace Bearer Vivienne Cumming, who will accompany her to civic events.

Mayor’s Engagements

For details of the Mayor’s engagements please contact Tim Bickham on 01460 260058 or by emailing

Should you or your organisation wish to invite the Mayor to attend a function or an event that you are planning please complete the form by following the link below:

Once completed you can send the form electronically to the mayor’s e-mail above, or drop in a hard copy at the Chard Town Council Reception.

Mayor’s Charity Fund

The Mayor is responsible for the Mayor’s Charity Fund. This is entirely separate from the Town Council’s funds and monies raised are distributed to local charities at the end of the Mayoral year.

Each Mayor chooses his/her charities for the year and decides on the fund raising activities which will take place.

The Mayor’s chosen charities for the current year are:

Chard Young People’s Centre

Chard Young People’s Centre is a well-established and unique youth and community facility which has been serving the community for decades; working with generation after generation of young people and families. It’s used by a wide range of community groups and organisations and is available for hire.

The Chard Area Youth Committee is the charity responsible for commissioning youth work provision and managing the building / finances. It pays rent and all running and upkeep costs.

Youth Club Sessions are delivered by Active Learning & Skills (cic) whose qualified youth workers deliver a wide-ranging service and programme.

Youth Zone is for young people aged 11+ on 2 evenings a week.

Young people say ‘It’s a safe, warm, comfortable, positive place to go with lots of activities to do’.

Support and information is available to enable them to understand issues they may be facing and be empowered to deal with them. It gives them skills for life and helps raise self-esteem and confidence.

See ALS’s Facebook page: @YouthZone.als

Fun Time is for children aged 5-12 & voluntary helpers aged 11+ on 1 evening a week

Details of a broad, varied and fun programme can be seen from ALS’s Facebook page: @FunTime.als

In the last year total attendances were 5015, with over 500 children / young people using the service:

Youth Zone: 2,554 total attendances, Fun Time: 2,440. 21 young people also volunteered at services. Peak attendances at sessions are in the 80’s.

This is evidence of how much the service is valued, supported and needed for the children and young people of Chard. The Committee are passionate and committed to see it continue. New committee members are always welcome.

Phone: 07887 423 208 or email:

Chard Carers Support Group

Chard Carers Support Group has been going since February 2007, when the group was established by Pat Galpin.

It is a group which helps 24/7 carers, people who are looking after loved ones, be it partners, children, parents, neighbours etc.

The group meets once a month to enable carers to meet up with other people in the same situation. There are also organised lunches, coach trips etc where the cared for can come as well.

Various speakers, demonstrations and talks from organisations such as Age UK are also put on by the group. See more information below.