Town Crier

Historically the Town Crier was a full time position in many towns, announcing proclamations and other news for their community. Today it is largely a ceremonial function, opening major events, introducing dignitaries and generally lending an element of pageantry to special occasions.

Chard Town Council has appointed Stuart Cumming as Town Crier of Chard.

If you would like to book Stuart for a special event please contact him direct on:

Mace Bearer

Mace-Bearers have attended civic formalities alongside a Mayor since the middle ages, in order to protect and defend the honour of the Mayor.

Originally, Maces were weapons used in battle but over the years as weaponry became more sophisticated, the Mace took on a new meaning: the handle adorned with Royal arms came to have more significance and the threatening spikes gradually evolved into a full crown.

By the end of the Tudor period of English history, the ceremonial mace was transformed from a weapon of war to a fully-fledged ceremonial piece.

Today, Chard Town Council’s appointed Mace-Bearer, Vivienne Cumming, still carries the ceremonial Mace before a Mayor to represent their authority as delegated from the crown.