This year Chard Carnival takes place Saturday 14th October. The Carnival team have been working hard preparing for Chard’s largest annual event, which has
a long and proud history in the town. The town has been looking the part for several weeks now in the buildup, with flags and bunting throughout Fore Street and Holyrood Street. The Carnival is traditionally celebrated across a week of events, commencing with a quiz on Sunday 8th, Beacon lighting on Monday 9th and Bingo Night on Friday 13th. The Fun Fair will also be in town, taking place in Stringfellow Park from Wednesday 11th to
Saturday 14th. The Carnival is of huge significance in the town’s events calendar, and has over the years raised in excess of £100,000 for a multitude of different charities. Over the years it has expanded its offering, allowing more people to become involved and becoming more diverse. The town council has long since supported the Carnival, by awarding an annual grant and by making the Guildhall available to host a craft fair and the Mayor’s reception.
Carnival Committee have further organized two annual Street Fairs in Holyrood Street, which has played host to live music performances, street entertainment, unique stalls and an extensive range of foods. This has seen in excess of 8,000 people attend.

The Chard Town Team are responsible for the delivery of the towns Halloween event, which has proved popular over the years, ensuring a fun and safe alternative Halloween event. Many local shops and businesses are involved in this event, keeping their business open late. Children wishing to participate are able to purchase wrist bands and collect a map of participating businesses. A road closure ensures safety of all involved in the event. Roads in the town centre will be closed during the event and so you are advised to avoid the town centre during these times, though a diversion will be in place. The council has over the years supported this event by providing gazebos, the use of the Guildhall and its PA system, as well as helping with the logistics.

Remembrance Sunday this year will be marked, as is traditional in Chard, with a parade from the Guildhall to St. Mary’s Church where a special Remembrance Service will take place. Chard Town Council will work with the Royal British Legion in the run up to event to ensure a memorable and respectful event for the town. The service will be taken by Reverend Georgina Vye. Chard Carnival Committee have kindly supplied road marshals across the road closure, to ensure safety during the rolling road closure. The effected roads will be part of Fore street and Holyrood Street. The one-way system along Boden Street will be reversed during the closure to keep disruption to a minimum during this short period. It will be great to see all the community coming together, which will include, among others, 1st Chard Scouts, Chard Carers Support Group, Girl Guiding, Chard Young People’s Centre and Chard School who are confirmed to be joining the parade, among others.
Saturday 25th November is the date of this years Christmas lights switch on, organized by the Chard Town Team. Chard Town Council has invested funds in upgrading lights and testing existing lights to ensure a spectacular display is prevalent across the town. A Christmas Craft Fair will be taking place in the Guildhall throughout the switch on day in the lead up to the main event in the evening, where there will be an array of street entertainment and food vendors also on offer. The council has worked alongside the Town Team and external contractors in the lead up to the switch on to ensure another successful event. Without the notable hard work put in by the Town Team who volunteer their hours in erecting and dismantling the lights we would not be able to have a switch on event so we appreciate their dedication to the town.
Chard Museum are again running their Christmas tree festival 8-10 December, and will soon be releasing details of this event following the success of last year.
On Saturday 9th December there will be a children’s Christmas experience event in the Guildhall to raise money and awareness for The Mayor’s charities. Lisa Smith from local clothing taylors, Barrons has been planning the event for months. She says, “The event will appeal to a range of children from age 2 and upwards. As well as meeting Santa there will be a variety of activities on offer in the auditorium to keep children engaged. There will be representation from local groups such as, Guides, Scouts, schools, Army Cadets and Kelly Leigh School of Dance. It’s hoped that there will be a good turnout for this event and nice to have something on right in the heart of the town.” Entry for this event will be via wrist bands, purchased only from Barrons nearer the time.

Public Engagement Event
Chard Town Council are currently in the process of organizing a public engagement event for late November/early December. This will take place in the late afternoon/early evening with the intention of giving the public an opportunity to meet council staff and see what projects are currently being worked on, what areas of work the council are responsible for and thereby giving the community a better understanding of how the council operates and its vision for the future. Everyone is welcome to attend and full details will be publicized on the councils website very soon.